IMAGEM: O DIABO NA RUA, NO MEIO DO REDEMUNHO (image: the devil in the street, in the middle of the whirlwind)
graffiti and watercolor
@O Estado de Minas - Caderno Pensar

CIVILIZAÇÃO (TRATOR E CAVALO) civilization tractor and horse
Brass and offset print
100x150cm | 2015
BURACO (hole)
offset print

FINS (ends)
book - compilation of the ends of 78 novels, without reference to the original novel
22x22cm | 2013

ESTÓRIA (story)
Laser print on vegetal paper
10x15cm | 2013

CASA (house)
laser print on vegetal paper
13x16,5cm | 2013

laser print on sulphite paper
59,4x84cm | 2013

print on meat paper

CHÃO (ground)
laser print on vegetal paper
10x15cm | 2013

@PIMASP Museu de Arte de São Paulo Independant Program publication

BETE MÁ SORTE (bad lucky Beth)
15x10 cm | 2015
15x10 cm | 2015